Torah Studies at Barkai Yeshivah High School are taught using a Bet Midrash style approach.
Students learn in a group/hebruta setting where they engage with the text and with each other, experiencing learning not as a lecture, but as development of skills, a familiarity with sefarim and methodologies and a love for what is being studied. Source sheets with guided questions and ideas on which to focus drive the learning. Rabbis and teachers sit with small groups of students, helping them navigate texts and answer questions.
Our objective is to produce young men and women who incorporate Torah into their lives and who become confident, independent learners. We strive to instill in our students a love of Torah and misvot and believe that to do so Torah studies have to be accessible and exciting. Groups/hebrutot are set up so that every student can learn in a way that best suits him/her.
Judaic Studies assessments are broader spectrum than the traditional pen and paper exam, including projects, presentations, essays and meaningful discussions.

Barkai is a Hebrew immersion program. The language permeates our hallways and classrooms, creating a culture of Hebrew speaking. For those who are more fluent in Hebrew, language courses will focus on more advanced literature and conversation. For those who may need support with the language, courses focus on Ulpan, giving students language skills and building vocabulary so that they can become more fluent in Hebrew.
Our Torah curriculum focuses on skill building, as students become familiar with the פשט and the corresponding מפרשים. They will understand how each commentator approaches the text and what he adds to the conversation. The curriculum focuses on different themes as they present themselves in the text and we discuss important topics in Jewish life and thought.

Barkai takes a novel approach to Nakh studies, seeking to give students a broad scope view and understanding of history. Our curriculum looks at the different prophets and major events in history as they took place horizontally, so that students understand the religious, political and social landscape during which our Nebi’im were talking. Focus will be placed on seeing the bigger picture and identifying connections between sefarim, making for a robust timeline of Jewish History and thorough background of events and personalities. Barkai students will get a glimpse of all of the twenty-four books of Tanakh.
Students learn Mishnah/Gemara with a keen eye on skills. Focus is placed on reading, expanding vocabulary and understanding how a sugya is built and progresses. A natural development is incorporated into the growth of the student, beginning with an understanding of the Mishnah and Gemara, moving on to Rashi and Tosafot, incorporating other commentaries and finally, challenging the student to become part of the thousand years old discussion, as they create their own solutions to questions raised in the text.

Students learn from a variety of sources in depth, with an eye on הלכה למעשה (bottom line decision). Guided worksheets help students navigate the text and build textual skills. Focus is placed on application, as students are challenged with the task of applying learned knowledge to modern questions, creating halakhic approaches to contemporary issues. The work and thought of חכם עובדיה יוסף זצ"ל guides our approach to halakhah.
9th Grade
What makes Am Yisrael unique and what is our national purpose? Students explore the value of freedom, self-expression and the historical events that bind us together as a people. As we look at both of these sefarim together, we compare and contrast some of the stories that are repeated, as well as look at the development of the Jewish people through their journey in the desert.
נביאים ראשונים
A Crash Course - Hundreds of years of disorder lead up to the most inspiring leadership represented by the Davidic dynasty. The stages that lead up to that monarchy teach us how fragile the nature of politics and government can be.
מסכת יומא
Yom Kippur is the ultimate day of reflection. What rituals and processes did the Torah put in place to ensure that we appreciate the day and the opportunity to mend our relationship with Bore Olam. What is real Teshuba and how do we get ourselves to make real change? How do I identify my mistakes and what steps can I take to turn over a new leaf? These questions and others will be explored through Maskehet Yoma, as we get an in depth look at this holy day.
הלכות ברכות/תפילה
- The laws of Netilat Yadayim, Hamotsi and other daily blessings enhance our day and remind us that Bore’ Olam provides us with everything we need. Gratitude is a trait that will be focused on and cultivated through the details of these laws.
10th Grade
Before the era of Rabbis and religious figures, the Kohanim were the spiritual guides of Am Yisrael. Sefer Vayikra provides guidance on the proper conduct that should be demanded of our leaders, especially those who represent the Torah. Once that moral standard is set, we will learn the many expectations that are placed on all of the Jewish people regardless of their profession or position. We also use Sefer Vayikra as a guideline for social emotional well-being, as it discusses the fundamentals of what is means to be human.
נביאים אחרונים:בית ראשון
Understanding the interplay between prophet, king and foreign politics is key to inernalizing the important messages that were given over by our greatest Nebi’im.
מסכת מכות
Honesty and Justice are the key values that uphold the Jewish court as well as society. These principles will be dissected through the study of false witnesses, capital punishments and inner workings of the Bet Din.
הלכות שבת
Students gain an appreciation for the unique gift that is Shabbat through the learning of its halakhot, as well the reasons behind the laws and their significance. Topics include the connection between the Mishkan and Shabbat, preparations for Shabbat, laws of candle lighting and Kiddush, and an analysis of the 39 Melakhot.
11th Grade
Sefer Debarim is rich in misvot, particularly those that govern a successful society, focusing on interpersonal relationships and building culture. How do we build a flourishing society and deeply rooted relationships? What does democracy look like? Additionally, Sefer Debarim records the last will and testament of Moshe Rabenu as he bids farewell to the nation and foretells the future. We will unpack his messages as we explore Jewish history in hindsight.
נביאים אחרונים:בית שני
What was it like living in exile and what can we learn from that experience to apply to our current situation? Was the building of the second Bet Hamikdash embraced by all? Why is Zionism such a central part of who we are as a people? These ideas and more will be the major diussions of the course.
מסכת קידושין
There are many elements of marital life, and Masekhet Kiddushin is focused primarily on clarifying how the first stage of the marital bond, betrothal, is established. Important discussions on the importance of marriage and Shalom Bayit will be weaved into the learning.
Our dietary laws are what set us apart from the rest of the world and should be a source of pride. Once they are properly understood, the laws of kashrut will not only be kept, they will enhance the way we nourish our bodies and souls.
12th Grade
Some of the deepest and most life changing ideas are explored in a sophisticated philosophical approach to the stories that we all know but may have never learned in a comprehensive way.
ספרי אמת
Jewish Philosophy
It requires an experienced and developed mind to delve into the vast and deep sea of Jewish Philosophy. The skills and training to do so can be fostered through the learning of Sefer Tehillim, Iyob, Mishle and others. In doing so, we seek to understand the basis of our emunah and delve into the fundamental principles of faith.
מסכת סנהדרין
In principle, God is the judge, legislator, and king. In practice, divine authority is often delegated to humans, who are created “in the image of God”. How do we administer God's justice and become partners with him in spreading truth and love in the world?
בין אדם לחבירו
As our students prepare to enter the workforce and campus life, we focus on the importance of being honorable representatives of God and role models for the rest of the world. This is primarily demonstrated by the way we treat each other socially, emotionally and financially.